This renewal recommendation from SUNY is an example of an authorizer renewing a previously approved charter-to-charter takeover.
Renaissance Schools Operator RFP 2013
RFP to solicit applications to operate Renaissance schools in Philadelphia.
Sample Charter Agreement
This sample charter agreement from TN ASD is used exclusively with school restart providers given the nature of the ASD
Ongoing Monitoring Overview
This school facing presentation explains the approach to ongoing monitoring of a variety of state and federal legal requirements for charter schools in the TN ASD.
ASD School Performance Framework
This presentation outlines the 2014-15 accountability framework for schools operating with the TN ASD.
Louisiana Charter Performance Compact
The Louisiana Charter School Performance Compact (CSPC), available at, describes the accountability mechanism for all charter schools authorized by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).
SPF School Performance Stoplight
This report is a sample stoplight report produced by the Denver School Performance Rating.
CBA Between Union and District for Cluster of Schools in the Empowerment Zone
Collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between local school board and teacher’s union for teachers and other staff of a cluster of schools in the Springfield Empowerment Zone Partnership (SEZP).
SPF Performance Rubric
The detailed rubric explains how points are computed and assigned for each indicator on the Denver Public Schools School Performance Framework.
MOU Between District and SEA to Establish Independent Empowerment Zone
Contract (MOU) between Springfield Empowerment Zone Partnership (new non-profit entity), local school board (Springfield Public Schools) and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (SEA) that outlines the authorities and responsibilities of the parties involved. The contract articulates a unique relationship between local school district, SEA, and the new Springfield Empowerment Zone Partnership (SEZP) that is responsible for oversight of schools.
SPF Performance Indicators
The one-pager summarizes all the possible performance indicators and potential point values in the Denver School Performance Framework (SPF).
School Closure Process and Checklist
This Denver document articulates all the legal and procedural requirements for a school that is closing. The tool is a working document that is shared between the closing school and the authorizer.
Massachusetts Guidance on CBA and Joint Resolution Process for Level 4 Schools
Guidance document created by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) explains the statues and process for modifying collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for Level 4 schools in Massachusetts.
Multi-School Rubric
Denver Public Schools uses this rubric to guide new school applications and existing operations of school organizations that oversee more than one school site.
Multi-School Evaluation Approach
This presentation explains how Denver Public Schools approaches oversight differently for entities that operate multiple school sites (e.g., charter management organizations).
Qualitative Site Review Guide
This document outlines the process, roles and timeline for a school quality review site visit to be conducted by DC PCSB.
School Closure Manual 2015
This closure manual walks through all of the steps that a closing school must undertake during the wind-down period in Washington DC.
School Pre-Opening Site Visit Checklist
This checklist document guides the DC PCSB quality review of a charter operator (whether restart or new start) prior to opening.
Denver School Performance Compact
This is a Denver Board of Education adopted policy that came out of the Denver Plan 2020 work. It establishes principles to guide the identification of schools for school replacement, restart and/or closure.
2015-16 PMF Policy Tech Guide
This guide to the Performance Management Framework (PMF) was created by the DC Public Charter School Board “so that school leaders, data managers, families, and other stakeholders would understand how each PMF score was calculated, which measures are used, and how these measures are weighed to form a score.”