Copyright Guidelines
Public Impact, EdPlex, and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation encourage the free use, reproduction, and distribution of our materials, but we require attribution. If you adapt the materials, you must include on every page “Adapted from; Copyright Public Impact, EdPlex, and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation.” Materials may not be sold, leased, licensed, or otherwise distributed for compensation.
You are free to:
- Share it— copy and redistribute our material in any medium or format
- Adapt it— remix, transform, and build upon our material
But ONLY if you:
- Include Attribution — You must include on every page “; Copyright Public Impact, EdPlex, and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation” and add “Adapted from” at the beginning if changes were made. Do not suggest that the copyright holders endorse you or your changes.
- Do not sell, lease, license, or distribute this in any way for compensation.
Commercial Use Guidelines
It is the intent of the copyright holders to make the materials on this website available for public benefit. We are committed to protecting the quality and integrity of the materials. We are also committed to preventing any misrepresentation by third parties of any affiliation with the copyright holders, whether intended or unintended, regarding our materials or services that may deceive the public in any way.
No organization, entity or individual may claim ownership of the materials on this website unless expressly agreed by written contract and in strict accordance with the terms of such contract. Organizations and individuals may offer services using these materials until further notice, but must follow the copyright and use guidelines in these Terms of Use. Organizations and individuals misrepresenting materials, or using materials or providing services in any way that the copyright holders deem against the public interest, may be prohibited from any further use of these materials for any purposes, commercial or otherwise.