This guide is organized around a series of nine steps that generally run in sequence, though some of the steps overlap and/or are split into two parts. A detailed recommended timeline explains the rationale for the sequence of steps. Importantly, community engagement occurs throughout the entire process. This guide provides community engagement recommendations within designated subsections of each process step. In addition, community engagement is the primary focus of Step 1: Envision and Step 3: Engage.
Click on each process step below to learn more.
1 ENVISION: Conduct broad community conversation about the vision for student success and commit to comprehensive intervention for low-performing schools | 2 IDENTIFY: Identify general needs and then specific list of schools for restart | 3 ENGAGE: Engage community around the general and then specific vision for the restarted school and empower school communities to participate in the restart process |
4 RECRUIT: Recruit operators & publish general needs for restart providers | 5 APPROVE: Receive, evaluate, and approve operator applications | 6 MATCH: Articulate specific site-based requirements, review match applications and match restart operators to closing schools |
7 ACCOUNTABILITY: Establish performance expectations & terms in a contract | 8 TRANSITION: Support planning time for restart operator and oversee transition work | 9 POST-OPENING: Monitor progress, celebrate success & remove barriers for new school |
Download the full School Restart Authorization Process Guide
The School Restart Authorization Process Guide is designed to increase the success and sustainability of restart interventions. This guide provides practical, step-by-step guidance about what authorizers, school operators, and support organizations should consider when designing or refining a process for implementing restart.
View the Recommended Timeline
A detailed version of the recommended timeline, including the rationale for the sequence of steps, can be found here.
Learn about Strategies for Designing a Restart Process
In addition to the recommendations included in each of the process steps, the guide highlights macro-level guidance about the design and implementation of an effective restart intervention process.