Public Impact report highlights the benefits, challenges, and effective practices for building family and community support for school turnarounds.
What’s Trust Got to Do With It
Public Agenda report is designed to help schools leaders take a positive and proactive approach to engaging families and communities in a school turnaround process.
Community Collaboration for School Innovation Toolkit
The Community Collaboration for School Innovation toolkit helps districts shift away from a community engagement model that centers on pushing information out, to a new community collaboration model that pulls guidance and directives from the community. The free guide includes real-world case studies from Colorado school districts, video tutorials, and templates, and aims to accelerate school improvement efforts that authentically reflect community priorities.
Renaissance Schools Operator RFP 2013
RFP to solicit applications to operate Renaissance schools in Philadelphia.
SAC Semi-Annual Report Reference Guide
The semi-annual report document provides a template for School Advisory Councils (SACs) to provide feedback on restart progress.
School Advisory Council Member Application 2012
Document is a recruitment flyer and application for membership on a Renaissance School Advisory Council (SAC).
Renaissance School Advisory Council Guidebook 2013
The SAC Guidebook provides a detailed description about the role of School Advisory Councils (SACs) and detailed guidance about the organization and activities of the SAC.
NAC Rubric on Restart Operator Application
This rubric is used by the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) members in Tennessee to provide feedback on each operator’s Application to Match.
Community Input Process to Match
This is an example of a community facing message that explains the process for community to provide input into the match decision for placing a restart operator.
Community Engagement During Match
This presentation explains recent modifications to the community engagement strategy and approach around matching approved operators to schools in need of restart within the TN ASD.
Application to Neighborhood Advisory Council
This is the application that community members fill out in order to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Council to the TN ASD.
Application to Match to Restart School
This document outlines the process steps and specific application questions that a pre-approved TN ASD operator must address in order to apply to “match” with a specific restart school.
Renaissance Schools Community Presentation 2013
Public presentation by Philadelphia school district describes the purpose and need for restarts, process for selecting eligible schools, and role of community in the Renaissance 2013-14 process.
SRC Presentation on RSAB Recommendations 2009
Presentation summarizes the recommendations of Philadelphia’s Renaissance School Advisory Board (RSAB) that provided guidance to the School District of Philadelphia on its restart process.
RSAB Subcommittee Scope and Guiding Questions 2009
Document highlights the guiding principles and preliminary guiding principles for the sub-committees of Philadelphia’s Renaissance School Advisory Board (RSAB).
Renaissance School Advisory Board Final Report 2009
This report from the Philadelphia Renaissance School Advisory Board (RSAB) summarizes recommendations for the process by which the district should intervene in lowest performing schools.
RSD Review Committee Orientation and Training Materials
The Louisiana Recovery School District (RSD) used this presentation to train “match” application reviewers for a school restart decision. It describes the overall process and includes a timeline, school descriptions, and rubric for selecting the matched restart operator.
Reed Planning Two Page Explanation June 2014
This Louisiana Recovery School District (RSD) document provides a concise and detailed description for the visioning process at Reed High School to collect community input on the future of the school.
Community Priorities from BRAZAB Fall 2013
This summary document describes the Baton Rouge Achievement Zone Advisory Board (BRAZAB) community engagement process. The process included focus groups and community visioning meetings with stakeholders in the community to identify transformation/restart priorities for leadership, student achievement, school culture, and parent engagement.
Community Engagement Process Meetings
This series of seven presentations was used to facilitate a community thought partner group in Denver.