This case study tells how Tennessee evolved from being one of the most inhospitable states for charter schools to one of the most favorable for charter expansion and the lessons from that evolution.
Renewal of Bronx Preparatory
This renewal recommendation from SUNY is an example of an authorizer renewing a previously approved charter-to-charter takeover.
ASD School Performance Framework
This presentation outlines the 2014-15 accountability framework for schools operating with the TN ASD.
Louisiana Charter Operator Pitch Book
The Louisiana Recovery School District (RSD) designed this presentation to recruit high-performing school operators to open schools in Louisiana, with a focus on Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
Louisiana DOE Call To Action October 2013
This Louisiana Department of Education document is an information-rich presentation (37 pages) designed as a stand-alone document to communicate opportunities for Districts, charter organizations, educators, and other organizations to get involved in improving lowest-performing schools.
Multi-School Rubric
Denver Public Schools uses this rubric to guide new school applications and existing operations of school organizations that oversee more than one school site.
Multi-School Evaluation Approach
This presentation explains how Denver Public Schools approaches oversight differently for entities that operate multiple school sites (e.g., charter management organizations).