Support planning time for restart operator and oversee transition work
Why Does This Matter

- The transition period can make or break a school restart in terms of gaining the trust and support of students and families and assembling a high-caliber team to staff the school.
- Done well, the transition will maintain stability at the closing school and ensure that students make as much academic progress as possible and gain interest in and enthusiasm about the restart provider.
- Done poorly, the transition creates a chaotic environment for parents and students, and affords opponents the opportunity to undermine and even potentially overturn the school restart decision.
Profiles of Restart Authorization Practices
Authorizer Pre-Opening Checklist for Schools
The DC Public Charter School Board has a thorough pre-opening checklist and site visit protocol that it employs with each new school to ensure that the school is ready to open on time and successfully. The protocol is a thorough starting point; an authorizer might add items specific to a school transition, such as student record transfer or evidence of successful asset transfer to further support a restart endeavor. See the protocol here.
UP Education Communication Protocol for Restarts
UP Academy follows a detailed communication protocol once the match decision has been made and the transition period commences. Learn more here.
Suggested Resources
School Closure Manual 2015
School Closure Process and Checklist
School Pre-Opening Site Visit Checklist
Restart Case Study NSVF
Asset Transfer MOU Redacted
UP Student Enrollment Network Guide
Planning Year Component of School Application
Green Dot Preparation for School Opening or Transformation