re•start (verb)
1. a new start or beginning
2. closing one underperforming school and opening a new school, often in the same building, to serve the same students under new management
Restarts have led to swift and dramatic improvements in low-performing schools when a high-performing organization leads the new school, and systems are in place to facilitate a smooth transition and strong community support.
Restart as a School Improvement Strategy
Our new report analyzes the progress of restarts that began between 2010 and 2016, based on the adjusted state percentile ranking of their schoolwide proficiency rates. While our research finds that, on average, restarts had a positive and statistically significant impact on both English language arts and math, most restarts still remain in the bottom quintile of schools statewide.
Learn more about public school restarts in the U.S., including performance outcomes and operator information, in the interactive Restarts National Database Dashboard.
School Restart Authorization Process Guide
Designed to increase the success and sustainability of restart interventions, this guide provides practical, step-by-step guidance about what authorizers, school operators, and support organizations should consider when designing or refining a process for implementing restart. Based on the restart experiences of authorizers, school operators, education support organizations, and community leaders nationwide, the guide provides nine steps to a smooth transition.
The process guide is complemented by the Restart Authorizer Resource database, with searchable tools and resources collected from authorizers and support organizations. These resources offer practical examples of the materials that support each step of the restart process.